Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Soul's Whisper

The wind in my heart blows
through me with fervor
unleashed from complacency,
taking the world by storm.

The wind in my heart carries
me from yesterday into today,
providing strength to move
these moments as they pass.

The wind in my heart forces
the freedom within to awaken,
allowing personal integrity
to wrap itself around me.

The wind in my heart guides
my soul with its whisper,
blowing through my body
as your love surrounds me.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Bring Me to Silence

The turmoil begins
Wreaking havoc with my mind

I wait for stillness to arrive
Like a forrest waits for rain -

Quiet and desperate
Craving freedom and life

Thoughts move through me
With a wild impatience

I'm left here wondering again:
Can you save me?

From me?